Thursday, April 4, 2019

Perseverance In Trials: The Book of James

James 1-5

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing...Therefore be patient, until the coming of the Lord. (1:2-4; 5:7a).

     It's been over two years since my last blog post.  Life seems to get in the way at times, and many months have passed by.  I deal with health issues at times that keep me from my writing.  I have learned over time that I need to trust God in all things that He gives me, to honor Him and show others His love, forgiveness and salvation.  James says to count it all joy in all trials (1:2).  Solomon also says in Proverbs to trust in the Lord with all your heart (3:5).  My faith, I've noticed, has wavered at times because I feel incapable at writing due to illness.  I've lost sight of God's calling just because I'm uncomfortable.  I came back to my hometown over ten years ago and was very uncomfortable doing so.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into or rather what God was getting me into.  It almost seemed out of the blue.
    This is undoubtedly what God called me to, but I left my kids and friends behind.  Like Abraham, though I knew where I was going, I had no idea what was next.  I feel at times, that I have failed, but I don't give up completely, although I have thought, "What have I done"?  Before 2006, when I truly gave my life to Christ, I struggled with many things, and truly wanted to give up on everything, including my life.  For years, I questioned if I really knew Him.  Then, one day it crushed me like a rock.  In one of my most desperate times, I told someone I didn't believe.  For months I struggled with it, until my life was at its very worst.  I was literally flat on my face, crying out to Jesus, "Lord please save me!  I'm sorry"!  And from that time, 13 years ago, I sincerely believed.
     Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:8, "We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;".  Before that moment, I had been in despair for many years, now, I am learning contentment, peace, and I have comfort in Jesus.  For several years I have had a physical illness that came about originally over 20 years ago.  It got bad again a few years back, and I did ask God, "Why this?  Now of all times"?
     Fast forward almost 8 years.  Just a couple of months ago my pastor challenged me to read the book of James for a month.  I've read it and studied it and learned, and am still learning how to live as Jesus wants me to, through whatever situation.  It's difficult and challenging (which I love challenges and adventure, well, most of the time), but it's well worth it, because the prize ahead, in glory with Christ is my ultimate goal (Philippians 3:14).  All other things are as rubbish (Philippians 3:8).  I think, reading James has put in perspective for me, how to live in suffering, with joy.  I've become more aware of the needs of other (although, at times. still being selfish, to my discontent).  No one is perfect.  I have learned, and am still learning contentment, even though being uncomfortable is not exactly what I want, but He gives it to me because it's what I need to draw closer to Him (James 4:8).
When people come against me, I am learning to be "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath" (James 1:19).  It's never an easy task, let me tell you.  It is getting more difficult these days to live a life of following Jesus.  Sin bombards us everywhere.  Suffering abounds in many forms.  Fear tackles us down, and we think we don't have it in us to do His will.  I ask, "Is this too much for me"?  Or I boldly go where no one should go, and insist, "This is too much for me"!  He probably just shakes His head and laughs a little.  He knows me, through and through.  Life is full of difficulties, and whether I like it or not, I run right into them, like I was being hit by a fast moving train.  I need to always be watchful and aware in life.  All of us need to keep in constant fellowship with God.  Pray without ceasing.  Knowing all these things and living them out, with patient perseverance, may help someone later, be brought to a right relationship with Jesus.

With great hope and perseverance,


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