Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

     It was 2009 when the movie came out.  A family was shipwrecked on an island and no one knew where they were.  The husband and father was severely injured, so the wife and her step-daughter fought for survival for all three of them.  The biggest problem they faced, wasn't the shipwreck, or the injury, but the grizzly bear they came upon.  A deputy and his companion were after the bear at that time, but had no idea the family was out there.  The woman and girl had to get all of them out, so they made a make-shift stretcher for the man, to travel to find help.  They even went across the river, and the man almost drowned.  I just saw this movie yesterday for the first time on Netflix and was amazed at the courage it took them to survive.  And the movie was by that name, "Courage".  It starred Jason Priestly, Andrea Roth and Genevieve Buechner. I won't tell you if the bear ate them for his supper, or if the man survived his injuries, or if they even got rescued.  If you haven't watched it, go watch it.  It's well worth it.  But I will tell you that through their ordeal, they mustered up the courage to survive.

     The Lord tells us to be courageous and not be afraid.  I doubt they weren't afraid in this movie, who really wouldn't be?  But they did have the courage to get through it.  And in the story they asked God right away for Him to get them through it.  God is with us through it all.  Through getting married, having babies, kids graduating college, car wrecks, cancer and death.  He will also give you courage to fight all battles that life brings upon you, if you allow Him to.  Putting in all we have to Jesus is what it takes to have the courage at times, when things seem bleak and we are despairing.  Joshua had to fight not only a physical battle, but a spiritual battle as well, and God told him to have the courage and not be afraid.  We may not fight in a war, like many today do, but I can tell you that all of us have either spiritual battles or battles with illness, struggles of life, and loss.  Don't give up when something comes up that you think you cannot handle.  God is there to handle it for you.

     I'm really big into inspirational movies on Netflix and on cable this time of year, whether it's about Christmas or the courage to survive.  These movies give me inspiration to write more on these things and think and reflect what is going on in this world and in my life.  I read quite a bit of course too, and find out new things daily that need working on or thought or prayed about.  I read things and watch things and wonder how we as Christians should react if we were in the characters' place.  What do you need courage for today?  Is it as simple as passing a science test in high school, which really isn't all that simple, or is it as difficult as getting your entire family out of the dangers of a shipwreck and being caught in nature's elements?  Find courage in everyday life, from the smallest to the biggest and rejoice that God has a handle on your life, no matter how it all works out. 


Thursday, November 15, 2012

     Luke 6:31
"And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise".

     How do you treat others?  Do we treat them with kindness or do we treat them with contempt?  Do you treat them with love or do you hate others?  Do you have patience or do you not wait on God?  And the real question here is, how do you want to be treated?  Do you want kindness, or contempt?  Do you want to be loved, or to be hated?  Do you want people's patience with you, or do you want them just to throw up their hands and give up on you?  What are you willing to do to be treated how you want others to treat you?

     I have learned the hard way, that no matter how others treat me, I need to treat them how I want them to treat me.  I sometimes fail at that.  When I don't get my way, I treat others badly at times.  I don't think in terms of how Jesus treated others in spite how they treated Him.  If we want love, we need to love.  If we want acceptance, we must accept others for who they are.  If we want others to be kind to us, we must be kind.  

     Galatians 5:22-23 states, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law".  We as Christians need to show Jesus' light, and we do that through the Spirit's fruit.  If we don't, we are disobeying God and not doing what's according to His Will.  I write this knowing that I haven't lived as I should, and I hope that through the Holy Spirit's conviction in my life, I will learn to treat others how I want to be treated, no matter the cost, because Jesus treated others as He wanted to be treated at the cost of His life.  I hope to learn from Christ's example.  Will you also?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


     Just in the last year I have seen a lot of trials and sorrow in the lives of others.  I have seen loss, discouragement, illness, confusion and much more.  We go through life wondering why, and sometimes we think we go it alone.  Sometimes we do go it alone.  We go through trials so that we can comfort others.  We encourage others who are struggling.  That is what suffering brings at times, sharing comfort with others because we in some sense know what it's like.  Encourage one another when trouble strikes a friend or loved one, especially if you have "been there".  

     I have struggled with many things and I hope to encourage others, but sometimes I fail.  Just a kind word to someone who is hurting, though they may not be kind to you, will make a difference.  Step out in faith when others aren't very nice because of a situation they are in, and encourage them.  I have to be taught this daily and wonder why I haven't gotten the hint yet.  All kidding aside, we do not live on this earth alone or go through trials alone.  Encouragement is something we all need to experience and give.  

     Christmas is just around the corner and we all are out shopping for the right gifts.  How about giving something you don't shop for, how about the gift of encouragement?  Many people this time of year struggle with loss or a place to live and we are out shopping, not thinking of those who hurt.  What can we do to change the lives of others who need encouragement?  Do you need encouragement?  Would you give encouragement?  Have you been in someone's shoes that needs encouragement?  This Christmas I hope to spend more time with friends and family, just listening and caring, than spend shopping frantically for the "perfect gift".  Actually the perfect gift IS encouragement.  We all hurt at one time or another.

Friday, November 9, 2012


     With Thanksgiving coming up in the United States, we find ourselves thinking of thankful statements.  We realize how God has blessed us each year.  The question is, why do we wait for Thankgiving Day or the entire month of November to be thankful?  Yes, Thanksgiving is a celebration of thankfulness, but are we thankful in January, May, July or December?  Are you thankful for the New Year?  Are you thankful for Spring after a cold winter?  Are you thankful that in the United States we have our independence?  Are you thankful that Christ was born into this world to later die for our sins?  And what about those of you in other countries?  When are you thankful and what are you thankful for?  With each passing trial and tribulation, we ask why this is happening, but should we be thankful for what God has given us, like the strength to endure hardships?  What do you think?

     God created man in His own image.  That's enough for me to be thankful everyday of my life.  God loved us so much that He made us in His own image!  Wow!  That is amazing and we know from that, that we are special.  Whatever the day brings, find something to be thankful for. When I wake up each day, I thank God.  Each day we live has a promise and we all should be thankful for that.  In James it says to "count it all joy when you fall into various trials".  Be thankful that God uses trials to ultimately give you true peace and joy and victory over Satan's darts.  To be thankful in hard time takes courage and faith.  It is very tough, but God doesn't give us what we can't handle.  

     Take the courage and have faith that "all things work together".  Many people in the Bible had the courage and faith to thank God in the midst of tribulation.  Will I?  Will you?  Pray for it daily that you can find thanksgiving in every situation.  God gave us life for a purpose.  Trust Him that He will bring you through anything you go through.  I have struggled with several things this year and have wondered why at times.  But I think now how God has strengthened me and has showed me His love and comfort.  My faith has increased because I went through the things I did, and I am thankful for that.  He wants to draw us closer to Him, and sometimes that means going through hardships.  Thankgiving Day brings us to that realization that we are blessed everyday.  How about we realize that all year?  Let's be thankful at all times.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pray For Your Enemies

     It's easy for anyone to pray for those who they love and care for, who have been a blessing and loved them back, who haven't denied their freedom or have never harassed or persecuted them in any way.  But who prays for their enemies?  Should we?  Yes, indeed we should.  Jesus says we should.  It may be difficult to pray for those who abuse and mistreat you, or for those you don't agree with, but we must.  We all need Jesus' forgiveness.  No one is immune to sin.  We've all been there and are there daily.  Everyone needs prayer, and everyone should pray for one another.

     Pray for the salvation of those who don't believe.  Pray for pastors and preachers.  Pray for your country.  Pray for those who lead your country, whether or not you agree with them.  Pray for murderers and rapists and thieves.  Pray for your enemies.  Pray without ceasing.  When Jesus was on the cross, there were two thieves on both sides of him.  He forgave those who put Him on the cross and prayed for the thieves.  One thief went to heaven for believing that He was the Messiah.  Jesus ministered to murderers, thieves, prostitutes and such, and some turned their lives around.  That's what it is all about.  Bringing people to the Truth of Jesus.  "Go out into the world and make disciples", Jesus tells us.  If we pray first, then people will turn from evil to righteousness.

     Praying should not be our last resort, it should be our first priority.  Praying can sometimes be difficult, especially if we are called to pray for those we want to hate or we just don't get along with.  Please by all means not only pray for those you love, but also do as Jesus said, and pray for those who persecute you.  Be blessed today.   

Monday, November 5, 2012

Let Freedom Ring

Galatians 5:1
Christian Liberty ] Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

     On the eve of the United States election, we as Christians and all Americans should stand for our freedoms.  I don't want to make this a political blog, but point out that God gave us the freedom to choose between good and evil and when Christ came upon this earth, we now have freedom in Him.  America is based on the biblical freedoms we need to follow.  We do have the right to choose, but at what cost?  Do we stand firm on the beliefs of God's Word or do we defile the name of Jehovah by going against what He stands for and what is written in the Bible?  Choose wisely.  Yes, you can have the desires of your heart, but need to also consider first, God's desire for your life.  If we choose righteousness, we have our freedoms.  If we choose sin, we are in Satan's bondage.  

     How ever you believe is not for me to judge.  God accepts us for who we are, but He also wants to mold us to go according to His will for our lives.  It may seem like God is forcing us into His submission, but yet, He gives us freedom to choose because He loves us that much.  It is our choice to follow Him or not.  He doesn't hate us, but He hates our sin.  John 3:16 states that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life", and that's our freedom in Him.  It's not about Republicans, it's not about Democrats, it's about Jesus.  It's not about our views, it's about what Jesus stands for.  Our own selfish desires that are not what God wants for you causes us to give up our freedoms, whether in a nation or in our own personal spiritual walk with Him. 

     Freedom always comes with a price.  Men and women fight for our freedoms for our nation, and many have died.  Jesus fought for our freedom from sin by dying on that horrible cross of Calvary.  Yes, sometimes the cost is our lives, but in the end it's worth it.  Let's not take for granted our freedom of speech, press, religion and so on.  And let's not take for granted our freedom in Christ by choosing to disobey Him.  Those of you who are in countries with limited freedoms, rejoice that Christ gives you freedom, and the suffering you endure because of your belief in Him will give you a crown in Glory.  Praise God for the freedoms we have, especially in Jesus.  Vote tomorrow if you are able.  Pray for your country and God bless America and you! 


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Seeking the Truth

     I having been seeking the truth earnestly for six years now and have been trying to blog about truth for the last year.  I've struggled with the truth the whole time, asking and seeking.  From time to time, I have said and thought some things that may have not been the truth and for that I apologize.  Taking a stand for the truth takes courage, patience and risks of ridicule.  It is also a journey of seeking what God has in store for you.  It is a daily struggle in a world that is so wrapped up in sin, that the lies that Satan tells us, seem to be the truth.  We live in a world that rejects Jesus at times, so those of us that believe in Jesus must stand up and be heard.  Christians are not perfect and have failed at times in doing what Jesus told his disciples to "Go out into the world and make disciples."

  We need to stand at all times for the Truth, even when it is unpopular and we get ridiculed for it.  Stand up to the Truth in love at all times.  I post this blog daily and would like your input with the truths of Jesus, and if i stray from the truth, challenge me in it.  I am seeking as much as the next person and the best way for us to seek is to make each other accountable, be in the Word, and pray.  Tell God your sorrows, concerns and desires when it comes to His Truth.  There seems to be many truths out there, but there, in reality, is one Truth: The Word of God.  There may be some who read this blog and disagree with me and say that the Bible is just fairy tales.  I respect their opinion and will pray for them to seek the Truth as it states in the Bible.  I will not cower to those who criticize the truth.  I will take a stand in seeking the Truth.

  There are many opinions out there, but there is only one constant; God and His Word (which is, in fact, one).  His promises are true and I have seen miracles in my life and the lives of others.  You don't have to agree with me and that is OK.  I want to seek the truth and share it with others, in love, at any risk.  We live in a world where Christianity is conforming to the world, and we must not conform to worldly matters, but stand for the Truth.  We have to work, go to school, shop at the grocery store and eat at restaurants.  We must live in this world but not be of it.  We must take responsibility and stand.  We must fight the good fight, to the finish.  If we don't, the truth will not be known to the next generations and we will stop going out and making disciples.  Are you seeking the Truth?  I am willing to seek the Truth.  As it was said in the popular TV show, The X-Files, "The Truth is Out There", the meaning may be different in the Truth that we need to seek, but, it is true that the Truth IS out there.  Seek it today!  God bless!