Luke 2:12
And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.
Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus' birth, with glad tidings, peace on earth, good will toward men, giving and receiving presents, family and food. We don't even consider the true meaning of Christmas though---Sacrifice. You ask, "What sacrifice? Let me explain the story.
God is sitting on His throne in heaven along with His Son and The Holy Spirit. Then God says to Mary and Joseph that they will have a Son by the Holy Spirit. Suddenly Jesus has to step down off the throne of heaven and be born on earth. Not only that but He must be all God and all human. The worst part is He has no riches, no kingdom, and no place to be born, except in a dirty barn, then He is placed in a stone feeding trough. That is sacrifice. In John 3:16 it says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." It was a sacrifice also on God to send His Son away to earth. We think of this verse as we see Jesus on the Cross, but the fact is He sacrificed His heavenly position and he started of in a dirty manger!
What are we sacrificing for Jesus? We give and receive gifts for each other but what are we sacrificing? Yes, our American Express and Visa bills will show up in January. Spending money is not what God looks for. Are we helping others, in spite how they treat us? Are we going out caroling to those who can't leave their homes? Or visiting sick children in the hospitals? Do we visit our prisons? We spend so much time on what perfect gift to give to our family and friends that we forget what Christmas means. Giving beyond what we have. Making time for the less fortunate.
Give to others with all your being and without expecting anything in return. Doing all of this, we give back to Jesus for His birthday. When someone is hurting you, turn and be kind. When people hate you, love them. That's the greatest gifts we can give for Christmas, a true sacrificial gift, and do it gladly. This Christmas, think of how God sacrificed His Son by sending Him as a Baby on earth, where He would feel pain, suffering and endure temptation, and ultimately die for our sins, the most awful sins you can imagine. Yes, Christmas is a sacrificial love.
I hope this Christmas brings you a sense of sacrifice and repentance, and will bring you blessings unimaginable!
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