Friday, June 29, 2012


What Does Friday Stand For?



             *I=Invitation to Salvation

                                           *D=Divine Grace


                                           *Y=Yearning for a Savior

     Are you faithful?

      Do you live righteously?

     Are you heeding to and invitation from Christ?

     Do you know of His divine grace?

     Do you know of His assurance of salvation?

     Are you yearning to have a Savior.

     Think about this when someone shares the gospel with you.  They share because they love you, not because they're pushy.  God bless you all and have a great weekend!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Earthly Things

Colossians 3:2

"Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth."

     Things on earth will soon pass away.  These are temporary and finite.  Heavenly and spiritual things will last an eternity.  So why do we hold on to our houses?  Our cars?  Our things that ultimately means nothing in an eternal prospective?  We pay more than we earn on a house that is way to big for what we need, just to "keep up with the Jones'."  We have car payments that we cannot pay for and have to cut back on our other bills.  We go into debt.  And for what?  Are we taking anything with us when we leave this temporary world?  What can we take with us anyway?

     We take with us what we cannot see or touch.  We either take love and forgiveness, or hate and bitterness.  We either take compassion or we take mercilessness with us.  What are you taking with you when you are and the end of your earthly life?  Patience or intolerance?  Kindness or backbiting?  Whatever we take with us is who we really are in our earthly lives.  "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control.  Against such there is no law." ~Galatians 5:22-23.  We need to take with us these things, from the Spirit of truth.  Fruit that will last an eternity and not rot or spoil.

     The next time you talk badly about someone, remember, you'll take that with you when you die.  The next time you love someone in spite of them hurting you, remember, you'll take that with you.  When we go to our Judgment, we will have to face God, no matter if we have done well or not.  Take the fruit of the Spirit with you and show God's mercy and love to one another, because you can't take your five-bedroom, three-bath home on a golf-course by the beach, or your Mercedes-Benz into the next life beyond the rainbow.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


     Faithfulness comes in many forms.  Faithfulness to God.  Faithfulness to your spouse, to a special friend.  We should be faithful even to the unfaithful.  Jesus was faithful to a sinful world in spite of sin.  He died on an awful despicable cross for those sins.  Why shouldn't we be faithful to others who sin, no matter how awful they treat us?  Jesus was beaten.  Jesus was scourged.  Jesus was mocked and spit upon, and yet He still gave up His life for those who hated Him.  No matter the situation, we need to do as Jesus did and make sacrifices to those who hurt us, so that the love of Christ will be shown through us.  Would you die for a friend?  Would you die for an enemy?  What does it come to when faced with a trial with someone who uses and hurts you?

     Life isn't about doing to others before they do to you, or only do good when they do good first.  It's about living a sacrificial life above reproach, whenever, wherever and with whoever.  Don't be discouraged when someone kicks you when you're down.  Love them anyway, maybe love them more.  I have been hurt by many in my life, and if I had it my way, I would seek revenge, and sometimes still entertain the thought, but I know what my Jesus would do and am willing to be faithful enough to Him, to be faithful to others, in spite of the hurt.  The Christian life is not an easy life.  It may even be harder that the sinner's life, but it is worth it.  When we suffer, we have an opportunity to grow stronger in Jesus, if we are faithful.  Faithfulness to Jesus comes first though.  Trusting and believing He will triumph in your life, no matter the cost.  Don't look at life as something you wake to and regret.  Look at life as an opportunity to be more like Jesus as life disturbs your day with trials.  Be faithful to God and be faithful to others.  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Waiting For the Unknown

     I have been waiting for seven months for a diagnosis for my brain and spinal cord.  See, I was born with a disorder that was about to cripple me in my mid-thirties, ultimately leaving me as a vegetable.  I had surgery and it took care of it, so I thought.  That was in 1998, when I was diagnosed.  Now move up to 2011, November.  I have some sort of episode that leaves common ER staffs baffled.  I tell them I have a disorder and they just look at me like I'm on drugs or am crazy.  I found a neurologist to help me find out what is going on.  I think to myself, "Could it be the same disorder?  Could it be a tumor?  I worry to death about it.  At first I thought I had a stroke or a seizure of sorts, when I had my episode.  Come into the future even more to the present actually.  It's June 2012.  Seven months I've been waiting for an answer.  Will I have to take medication or have surgery again?  Thoughts flashed in my mind.  Two things that come to mind are waiting and the unknown.  We wait for the unknown when we go through an illness that we know is there, but can't pin it down.  Jeremiah 29:11 has something for us going through the unknown.  "I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  We wait.  Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD."
     Faith is a big step that we take when we are waiting for the unknown.  We have a broken relationship, that may not be able to be fixed.  We have a health crisis.  We have a financial crisis.  Whatever the case may be, we MUST have faith.  It doesn't take much, but we need it.  God is the one who is in control when things seems out of control.  He ultimately has the final decision.  Can we wait for Him on His next move?  Can we trust?  Can we have faith?  Tomorrow I find out either what my neurological problem is, or if I need more tests.  The unknown awaits.  "Be anxious for nothing", Philippians says, but is it easy?  Take it to the Lord in your prayers and do not worry about a thing.  Like I said yesterday, enjoy the ride and let God handle it.  I always have said that I don't want to be God because I don't want the responsibility, but, I take the problems in my own hands as if I am God and can deal with them as God.  We aren't God and can't be God, at anytime, and yes, He does have a great responsibility.  I really don't want it.  When things look bleak, or the unknown creeps up on you, remember, God has a plan and sometimes we have to wait awhile for it to come to be.  So, sit back and enjoy the ride, as I have said before.  Watch what God can do.  No one knows tomorrow any more than we would in our troubles.  We live one day and enter eternity the next.  Have faith, and wait for the unknown.  I've always liked suspense, so why not in my life?

     *Note:  Something went wrong with the fonts in my second paragraph.  Sorry for the change.  Have a great day!    

Monday, June 25, 2012

Well It Happened Again

     Whatever Is True got deleted.  I'm really spiffing up my site though, which is good.  Mondays are not my best days, and getting deleted for a second time makes me wonder if I should keep blogging.  Paul in the Bible tells us to persevere to the end, so I will.  I hope you enjoy this better than my last blog site.  This site will still be about the truths of the Bible in daily life.  I suppose change is good, but it's not so good after being set in your ways at 50 years old.  Take time, relax, and enjoy the ride of your life, with all the twists and turns life gives you.  Remember that Jesus is standing at the door knocking and waiting to come in.  Will you invite Him on a daily basis?
     We have a calling and if things go wrong, and everyday is a "Monday", reach out to Jesus and cry out to Him with whatever is true in your life.  Be noble in your daily activities and relationships.  Be just when there is injustice.  Be pure in your actions.  Be lovely in an ugly world.  Meditate on virtuous and praiseworthy matters.  No one but God knows you better, not even you.  I hope more people follow me, but if they don't I enjoy getting back to writing, even if it's just for me.  Enjoy the drudgery of a Monday and enjoy the rest of this week.  What a ride it will be!  

Sabrina Yeager